FHA SafeSport policies and procedures
Foothills Hockey Association is committed to improving the development, safety and welfare of its players and all members involved in hockey and our organization. Therefore, it supports the USA Hockey and CAHA SafeSport Programs and requires all players, coaches and members to fully participate.
FHA has established policies and procedures that fully support and augment the SafeSport guidelines established by USA Hockey and CAHA.

USA Hockey SafeSport
The safety of its participants is of paramount importance to USA Hockey. USA Hockey SafeSport is the organization's program related to off-ice safety.
USA Hockey has long had systems in place to protect its participants from physical abuse, sexual abuse and other types of abuse and misconduct that can be harmful to youth hockey players and other participants. These include without limitation Physical Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Screening, Locker Room Supervision and Hazing Policies, in addition to Codes of Conduct applicable to administrators, coaches, officials, parents, players and spectators. The USA Hockey SafeSport Handbook is intended to update and collect USA Hockey’s various policies to protect its participants from all types of misconduct and abuse.
USA Hockey has ZERO TOLERANCE for abuse and misconduct.
In addition to Policies, the SafeSport Handbook includes information about the available and required Training of USA Hockey and its Member Programs’ employees, volunteers, administrators, coaches, parents and players on recognizing and reducing circumstances for potential abuse to occur; information on USA Hockey’s Screening and Background Check Program; the availability and procedures for any person to Report suspected abuse or misconduct (including protections from any retaliation or repercussions for such reporting); the procedures and means by which USA Hockey and its Member Programs should Respond to allegations of abuse and misconduct; and how USA Hockey and its Member Programs will Monitor and Supervise the SafeSport Program to help ensure its effectiveness.
By combining all of these elements into a comprehensive SafeSport Program, USA Hockey intends to create the safest possible environment for participation in hockey.
SafeSport training
The SafeSport Core Training or Refresher Course is required for all coaches, employees, administrators, and volunteers, 17U and older players prior to participation in the 2020-21 season.